2.0 What is Web 2.0

Week 4, Module 2.0: 'What is Web 2.0?'
This week's topic is Web 2.0, which is the key transformation from static, maybe boring but
definitely not dynamic websites to dynamic, user driven websites which can revolve around
'the conversation'.

Activity 1 : RSS Feeds
This week's activity was to compare an RSS feed for news.com.au to the websites head line
articles, which interestingly enough was the same. It basically shows you, from my
understanding, that the content of the website and the graphical side of the website is

Activity 2 : Delicious
The next activity is to create a delicious account and find some interesting websites to tag.
So I decided to chose nickstery as my username. To be honest though, I'm kind of new to
delicious but due to its easy interface and browser app, it was easy to see why it can definely
be handy.



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