3.2 Social Me(dia) Rivers

Social Media rivers


As discussed in the last 2 blog posts (Internet footprint and Internet shadow), we leave lots of information about us across many places and sites. This forms a tiny fragments of who you are across a wide range of mediums. In this topic we look into how this information forms a river like profile of who you are and how each fragment can potentially be combined.

Activity: Twitter
What is twitter? Why is it a current fad? find out in this great Youtube video made by Commoncraft:

Twitters 'trends of the time' posts
If I look at the current tends for 8th February 2010, superbowl is the most discussed topic relating or discussed in at least 3 of the most popular discussion text. Also underboss is another popular tend topic. This shows me that current events can be talked about quickly and effectively and opinions can be shared without the unnecessary, long winded explaination - a simple 'What do you think about...' can give you a straight forwards, quick and accurate picture of people's opinions.



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